Port Meadow


Dear Chris, As mentioned here are a couple or so photos and two sketchbook pages of bird images. I could write for a thousand pages about Port Meadow. I’ve been there ever since I was six years old. It floods in winter, gathers over wintering migrant wild fowl. In the summer it’s a place people swim, sail, walk, make love, do archaeology etc. If you want I can get David to send his poem about the meadow which refers to a drawing of mine. Best wishes to all, love, Andy. Continue reading “Port Meadow”

Frames of reference

Shenandoah & Cape Cod Girls

First there was Rogue’s Gallery in 2006, now followed by Son of Rogue’s Gallery, both compilations of pirate ballads, sea songs & chanteys, from an idea by Gore Verbinski and Johnny Depp on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean II. Continue reading “Shenandoah & Cape Cod Girls”

Frames of reference

Hamer Man & The Stalled Ox

Hamer/Hamer Tribe, Omo Valley Ethiopia

Dominic wanted to tell Jelly Green a short story by Saki about the man who painted cows. He couldn’t remember what it was called so, rather than walk to the public library, he searched for it on Google. Somehow “man” + “painted” + “cows” led him to the discovery of the Hamer tribe in Ethiopia. I’m ashamed to say I’d not heard of them before. I had no idea. Could these be my ancestors? Is this why I’m fond of cows? Not so sure about the whipping. Maybe it’s time to visit Ethiopia. Continue reading “Hamer Man & The Stalled Ox”

Frames of reference

The Moo Man

The story of a maverick dairy farmer and his unruly cows, filmed over four years on the marshes of the Pevensey Levels. Cows are happiest out in the fields eating grass. However in winter there is no grass and their hooves plough up the wet fields so much that they must come indoors, to be looked after for the winter. But once Spring arrives and the days lengthen, the smell of fresh grass wafts in the air, and the cows shout and whine for the great outdoors. This clip is from the happiest day of their year, the day the cows go out for summer. For more information visit The Moo Man.

Frames of reference

Notting Hill Books

notting hill books

Many of the books on my shelves were discovered in this wonderful wooden shed on Palace Gardens Terrace. On fine days there would be a table outside laid with small appetisers to tempt me inside, where I would be greeted with a friendly smile and an eclectic selection of books. It was always a welcome antidote to the prescribed choice found at Waterstones. But it’s been closed since the end of last summer. Continue reading “Notting Hill Books”

Frames of reference

For Evelyn Hallewell


I was reminded of this book by Bewick’s Nature Print. It was given to us by Evelyn Hallewell. She discovered The Rowley Gallery late in life and explored it via the website from her home in Scotland. We never met but we did have long telephone conversations and she corresponded with Rowley Gallery artists whose work she enjoyed and sometimes bought. Continue reading “For Evelyn Hallewell”

Frames of reference