
Frames of Reference was started in 2011 by Chris Hamer and Richard Wilson as an online extension of The Rowley Gallery. It was to be a place to hang words as well as pictures, where friends and relations and associates could share their enthusiasms and perhaps make new connections.

We’ll see how it goes. We hope you’ll feel inspired to contribute, either by leaving a reply below, or a comment after a particular post, or via The Rowley Gallery website.

Frames of reference

11 thoughts on “About”

  1. So glad you’ve enjoyed a couple of the walks I’ve written up for the Times.
    With good wishes,

  2. It would be great please if someone could help me locate “The Enigmas of Staverton Park” as mentioned above? I cannot seem to find a reference to it anywhere as a book or pamphlet ?

  3. Thanks for this wonderful window.
    Many of the dear images and words we treasure !
    I must admit that I stumbled upon this blog only yesterday
    Like finding something of interest on a walk. Crouching to
    pick it up in a bedazzled ah-ha.
    Chris we go back all the way.
    I want to say what a pleasure it is to meet you here just like this.
    Thank you for all those years of good spirits and generosity.

    1. I hope you enjoy the blog Jon, I’m glad you found it and it’s a birthday treat to find you here today! Have a good look around. Type a word into the search window above and you’ll be surprised what turns up. If you’d ever like to contribute to a blogpost you’d be most welcome. And thanks for the link to your website. Lots of beauty there.

  4. Out here in Los Angeles i just moved a small rectangular mirror in my old home – it has this wonderful frame – saw the back AJ Rowley and looked this up, the circa 1912 paper stamp is still affixed to the back of the frame … glad you folks are still with us

  5. I just discovered your blog as I am visiting Corsica. I came for the free diving and stayed four weeks for the food and architecture. So many jewels of wonder I have learnt this morning, from hiking to psychology and more art and writing treks in London than I ever dreamed of. . Thank you for publishing it.

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