Bellagio & Bicycles


Bellagio is smack dab in the middle of Lake Como, at the top of the Triangolo Lariano, the triangle formed by the lake’s two southern branches. Think of Lake Como as an upside-down letter Y and Bellagio is nestled in the crotch between its striding legs. If Lake Como is a cyclist then Bellagio is its saddle and there were lots of cyclists climbing the road up from Bellagio to Monte San Primo. Continue reading “Bellagio & Bicycles”

Frames of reference

A Tale Of Two Gardens


Recently I have visited two gardens which are fairly local to me, one is in Elmstead Market near Colchester, about an hour’s drive from me and the other, Warley Place is on my doorstep near Brentwood. The Colchester garden was made by Beth Chatto and Warley Place was the garden of Ellen Willmott, a Victorian plants woman. Both places have inspired new work. I have made a series of paintings of Beth Chatto’s garden and some ink studies of Warley Place. Continue reading “A Tale Of Two Gardens”

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An Illustrator’s Miscellany


Jonny Hannah‘s new book, Greetings From Darktown, has finally arrived, and it’s worth the wait. It’s an adventure book for the eyes, a cornucopia of delights, a cryptic catalogue of signs and wonders, and best of all there’s this feast of visual treats, a double page spread of Jonny’s Jackets again.

Further reference: The Darktown Courier.

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Moon Arc


This large watercolour was painted by Andrew Walton to celebrate 12 walks with David Attwooll on Oxford’s Port Meadow. Their journeys were documented in Ground Work, an exhibition of painting and poetry earlier this year at Art Jericho. Moon Arc was not included in that exhibition but it is now on view in the window of The Rowley Gallery. Continue reading “Moon Arc”

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Contemplating The Depths


Our house swap this summer was to Grasse in the South of France. Grasse’s inland location allowed us to make forays into the mountains as well as get more easily to various beaches along the Côte d’Azur. Our favourite area was Théoule-sur-Mer with its orange rock pinnacles, white pebble coves with azure pools. Continue reading “Contemplating The Depths”

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In Ascona


One of the deciding factors for a holiday on Lake Como this year was its proximity to Lake Maggiore and the small lakeside town of Ascona, where the municipal museum holds a collection of abstract miniatures by Julius Bissier. A rare opportunity to see a group of his beautiful paintings all together. Or so we thought. But first a quick promenade. Continue reading “In Ascona”

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A Double Album


A quick look at David Hollington’s exhibition at Lauderdale House in Highgate. The opening night was busy with an enthusiastic crowd, groups talking excitedly about these new paintings, fantastic and magical inventions. I overheard David say this was his double album. There are two bodies of work, both created simultaneously. My photos are just an indication, much better to see the paintings face to face. They’re there until 28th September. Continue reading “A Double Album”

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