The postman just brought me this little catalogue of British folk heroes compiled by Jonny Hannah. Jolie Holland shares the same initials so she can sing along – Mad Tom Of Bedlam. Continue reading “A Wee Book Of British Folklore”

Rowley Gallery Blog
The postman just brought me this little catalogue of British folk heroes compiled by Jonny Hannah. Jolie Holland shares the same initials so she can sing along – Mad Tom Of Bedlam. Continue reading “A Wee Book Of British Folklore”
We just landed a fresh consignment of linocuts and screenprints from Jonny Hannah. He brews a rich mix of fairground maritime vagabond vernacular. New additions to folk-art traditions. Continue reading “Hannah Booty”
A circular walk from Harlington train station to Sharpenhoe Clappers and back again. The first leg memorable for a troop of scramble-bikes echoing around the combe up to Sundon. Then onto National Trust territory protected by kissing-gates, designed to deter motor-cycles. The stretch from Sundon Hills is the loveliest chalk downland, the birdsong only occasionally drowned out by model aeroplane enthusiasts. The views north towards Ampthill and Marston Vale are panoramic. Continue reading “Like The Clappers”
In the time it takes to eat a bowl of porridge at the kitchen window this morning, I’ve seen a wren constantly on the hop amongst the solanum; a couple of blue tits pecking on the fence; a small flock of long-tailed tits swinging through the branches of the trees; a blackbird sounding the alarm; the fleeting shadow of a bird upside down on the eaves of the shed, gone too quick to tell, about the size of a robin but upside down? No sign of the ubiquitous magpies or pigeons. Maybe that’s why there was so much activity, and the bright sun melting the frost. So much energy. Continue reading “Breakfast Birds”
I’m not sure I know what this song’s about. Mostly it brings back embarrassing memories of the 1970s. But this movie redeems it. It looks like a lot of fun. So this is for my mum, my wife and my daughter, all of them mammas. And happy birthday to my granddaughter Mia for next Sunday, xxxx.
This press release just arrived:
AKT 1 | Nina Wisnia & Karolina Woolf
Exhibition Dates: 23.03.12 – 26.03.12
Private View: 22.03.12 from 6-9pm
Venue: 178 Walton Street, London, SW3 2JL Continue reading “AKT 1”
At this time of year, when the almond blossom is in full bloom and it’s often windy my terrace gets covered with blossom and I like to incorporate it into my papermaking process. Continue reading “Making Paper In Andalucia”
We just received this flyer from Howard Phipps, whose wood engraving of Thomas Hardy’s Study At Max Gate is reproduced on the cover. Continue reading “Slightly Foxed”
We just received this notice of a forthcoming event at The Idler Academy in Notting Hill – Continue reading “Marianne Stokes”