Notting Hill Books

notting hill books

Many of the books on my shelves were discovered in this wonderful wooden shed on Palace Gardens Terrace. On fine days there would be a table outside laid with small appetisers to tempt me inside, where I would be greeted with a friendly smile and an eclectic selection of books. It was always a welcome antidote to the prescribed choice found at Waterstones. But it’s been closed since the end of last summer. Continue reading “Notting Hill Books”

Frames of reference

For Evelyn Hallewell


I was reminded of this book by Bewick’s Nature Print. It was given to us by Evelyn Hallewell. She discovered The Rowley Gallery late in life and explored it via the website from her home in Scotland. We never met but we did have long telephone conversations and she corresponded with Rowley Gallery artists whose work she enjoyed and sometimes bought. Continue reading “For Evelyn Hallewell”

Frames of reference

David Wiseman At Kensington Place


Four new paintings by David Wiseman are now installed at Kensington Place restaurant. Scenes of water and movement, dancing colours and rippling lines, inspired by regular runs along the riverbank, the result of years of dedicated physical and artistic training. Continue reading “David Wiseman At Kensington Place”

Frames of reference

Epping Snow

epping snow 1

All this talk of winter trees and William Morris and I realise it’s time I went back to Epping Forest. It seems different every time I visit but today is something special, I’ve never seen it so thick with snow. It’s another world, silent and monochrome like an old movie. Continue reading “Epping Snow”

Frames of reference