Messing About On The River (6)

Some recent snapshots from the Helford River and neighbouring creeks. It is such a beautiful part of Cornwall. Don’t be surprised if it inspires a few more posts. This first photo shows spectators at the Helford Passage Regatta, fun and games on the river and at The Ferryboat Inn.   Continue reading “Messing About On The River (6)”

Frames of reference

Refuges D’Art

I keep seeing this image on billboards around town. It’s a photograph of one of Andy Goldsworthy’s Cairn sculptures and it’s being used by The Maccabees to promote their new album. It reminds me of a visit five years ago to Digne-les-Bains where I found a whole series of his sculptures. Continue reading “Refuges D’Art”

Frames of reference

Messing About On The River (2)

Jazmin Velasco has been celebrating her ideal English summer on the river in Henley, Cambridge and Southwold, dodging the endless rain and doing her best to spread some sunshine with this series of light-hearted engravings. Continue reading “Messing About On The River (2)”

Frames of reference

Constantine’s Dream

The Basilica of San Francesco in Arrezo, Tuscany, a late medieval church dedicated to St Francis of Assisi. In the chancel, the Cappella Maggiore, is one of the masterpieces of the Italian Early Renaissance. The walls are covered with a sequence of frescoes by Piero della Francesca depicting episodes from The Legend of The True Cross. Behind the suspended crucifix, at the lower right of the window is The Vision of Constantine, an image which has haunted Patti Smith for years. Continue reading “Constantine’s Dream”

Frames of reference

George III Rides Away

The figure on the horse is George III riding away from Weymouth. The story goes that during a stay in the early 1800s he promised to give the town a substantial amount of money, so much that they carved a dedication in the local church with his name and a blank space for the exact amount, and gave a promise to carve a likeness on the hills rising behind the town. Unfortunately, he left leaving nothing. The locals were so angry they carved £000 after his name in the church and did indeed complete a likeness on the hills, but made it so he was riding away from the town (back to London).

Liz Somerville / The Rowley Gallery

Frames of reference