This is Pink Dark Triptych, 2011, oil on linen by Sean Scully, a donation to the Pallant House Gallery Collection and the catalyst for their recent exhibition, Sean Scully: Triptychs. It sounded like a great show, I was looking forward to seeing it, but I wasn’t quick enough and now it’s closed. I was disappointed to miss it so here’s my own compilation of Scully triplets and trinities and trios. Continue reading “Triptychs”
Category: Art
Out Along Lee
Sometimes it’s the Lee, other times it’s the Lea, and most times it’s confusing. The River Lea rises at Leagrave, north of London near Luton (Leatown) and flows south via Leyton (Leatown) to join the River Thames at Leamouth. Over the years many of its twists and turns got straightened out to make it more easily navigable and the artificial channels and canals became known as the Lee Navigation. Nowadays the river (Lea) and the canal (Lee) are almost indistinguishable. Continue reading “Out Along Lee”
Wood Engravings
Howard Phipps: Wood Engravings at Cassian de Vere Cole Fine Art, 50 Elgin Crescent, London, W11 2JJ from 22-31 January 2014. Notification of this exhibition only just arrived so we’re too late for the Wine but there’s still time for some Bloody Marys. Continue reading “Wood Engravings”
Making Visible
To the Tate Modern on the first Saturday of 2014, to see their beautiful exhibition, Paul Klee: Making Visible, the perfect antidote to our cold, dark, damp, grey January daze. It was just before twelfth night, so another midwinter festive celebration of light and warmth and colour. Continue reading “Making Visible”
Ground Work
An exhibition of paintings by Andrew Walton and poems by David Attwooll, presented by Jenny Blyth Fine Art at Art Jericho, 6 King Street, Oxford, OX2 6DF from 23 January until 23 February 2014.
GROUND WORK is the product of twelve monthly walks through the course of a year on Port Meadow and Wolvercote Common, an area of uncultivated floodplain that lies between the city of Oxford and the Thames. Continue reading “Ground Work”
Movements And Their Images
This is good. I was looking for a film about Victor Skipp. I’d read that Candida Richardson had made a film about his home, which I wrote about in my previous post. But instead I found this. A beautifully simple essay on Linda Karshan’s drawings. I discovered her work 10 years ago in Notting Hill Books where I found a catalogue of her 2002 exhibition at Institut Valencià d’Art Modern. It’s a book that I treasure for many reasons. Now there’s a very good film to accompany it.
Victor Skipp
Kettle’s Yard are presently hosting – A Lasting Legacy: The House and Collection of Victor Skipp. When he died in 2010 Victor Skipp left his estate to Kettle’s Yard. He was a writer and historian with a passion for art and philosophy. This exhibition reflects his many interests, with displays of modernist and minimalist art side by side with tribal rugs, African sculpture, Indian miniatures, folk art and vernacular architecture: a perfect complement to the existing Kettle’s Yard collection. Continue reading “Victor Skipp”
Learning To Listen
The premiere screening of Learning to Listen, a documentary experimental-music/sound-art film by Dan Linn-Pearl, at Café Oto, 4pm January 18th 2014, Free Entry (RSVP
A Late Christmas Card
We returned to work on Monday to find this late Christmas bonus waiting for us from Andrew Walton. Not only did it bring Season’s Greetings but also news of a forthcoming exhibition. Continue reading “A Late Christmas Card”
100 Movies, 100 Quotes, 100 Numbers
I’d intended to post this video by Alonzo Mosley last November to celebrate two years of Frames Of Reference, but I forgot! It’s in the same spirit as the earlier Frames Of Reference video posted to mark our first birthday, and according to Peter Bradshaw it’s why the internet was invented! But nevermind, now we can use it as a New Year countdown. It runs for 9 minutes and 30 seconds so don’t start until 23:50:30. Happy New Year!