This is one big cow. It’s a new painting by Jelly Green called Water Meadows Herd #7. It measures 6ft x 4ft and for the next six months it can be seen at Snape Maltings in Suffolk. Continue reading “The Great Cow Of Snape”
Category: Art
Goodnight Moon
Once upon a time three bears came to The Rowley Gallery to find a picture frame. They were from a story called Goodnight Moon. They just wanted to go to sleep but they couldn’t relax until they were safely tucked up inside a snug, warm, sunshine frame. Continue reading “Goodnight Moon”
For Evelyn Hallewell
I was reminded of this book by Bewick’s Nature Print. It was given to us by Evelyn Hallewell. She discovered The Rowley Gallery late in life and explored it via the website from her home in Scotland. We never met but we did have long telephone conversations and she corresponded with Rowley Gallery artists whose work she enjoyed and sometimes bought. Continue reading “For Evelyn Hallewell”
A Burns Miscellany
A few days ago we received this wee pamphlet from Jonny Hannah to commemorate Scotland’s national poet. A shame it arrived just too late for Burns Night… Continue reading “A Burns Miscellany”
David Wiseman At Kensington Place
Four new paintings by David Wiseman are now installed at Kensington Place restaurant. Scenes of water and movement, dancing colours and rippling lines, inspired by regular runs along the riverbank, the result of years of dedicated physical and artistic training. Continue reading “David Wiseman At Kensington Place”
Winter Colour
Some welcome winter colour from Christopher Corr in New York State where there’s both snow and sunshine. I’m guessing the Hudson Valley and Catskill Mountains. It’s minus 14 but crucially the sun is shining. It makes all the difference. Chris says he’s enjoying the sunrises and the sunsets. So are we.
Ice Age Art
A new exhibition at the British Museum brings together artefacts from museums across Europe, some as old as 42,000 years, and juxtaposes them with modern masters such as Henry Moore and Piet Mondrian. The Venus of Dolni Vestonice is displayed alongside Grand Nu by Henri Matisse. Continue reading “Ice Age Art”
William Morris Gallery
The William Morris Gallery is at Water House in Lloyd Park, Forest Road, Walthamstow. William Morris was fourteen when his family moved here in 1848. They had downsized from Woodford Hall where William’s playground had been Epping Forest. At Water House he played in the grounds, particularly the moated island where he imagined there be dragons. Continue reading “William Morris Gallery”
Winter Trees
First there was this Christmas card from a painting by Mick Moon, made with oil paint & string on board and called simply Tree. Then I heard the three Staveley-Taylor sisters (aka The Staves) singing Winter Trees:
Bewick’s Nature Print
The Hedge Warbler or Dunnock
Printed from the boxwood block engraved by Thomas Bewick for his
History of British Birds, 1797