Abstracting From The Landscape

Early Summer, Pitshanger Riverside  100x76  acrylic on   canvas_edited-1

My article appeared recently in the August issue of The Artist magazine. This is the first time I have been asked to write such an article and I was concerned about how my text would be edited etc. But they did this very well and I am very pleased with the way it looks.




The magazine is essentially for amateur painters, encouraging them to develop their techniques and enjoy their painting. It has articles by professional artists giving examples of their working practice showing how they develop their art. Mine was under the “practical demonstration” category. Fellow Rowley Gallery artist Paul Finn had recently had an article in the magazine so I think we are seeing a little Rowley takeover here. I wait to see who is next. I enjoyed putting the article together but they wanted pictures taken during various stages of a painting. Not all pictures work out, some bite the dust so I was pleased the one I chose finished up OK.

In the Studio

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I wanted to emphasise the more abstracted and experimental aspects of my work to act as a little contrast to many of the articles in the magazine which can be a little on the traditional side. I have been asked to do one or two articles next year about specific acrylic techniques and have included an example of the use of a sponge during a painting as an example.



Rushing River- Morning  55 x 43   acrylic   2015_edited-1

You can buy a digital copy of the magazine at wwww.pocketmags.com.

Waters Edge - Evening Light   56 x 44   acrylic on canvas

David Wiseman / The Rowley Gallery

Frames of reference

One thought on “Abstracting From The Landscape”

  1. I’ve got my copy David, it’s a really informative and entertaining read . They like those step by step ones. I didn’t do one because the way I work varies. A Rowley take over indeed.

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