A windowful of pots, painted pots by David Stubbs and thrown pots by Chris Keenan, cool paintings, tactile vessels, handmade studies in repetition and variation, they’re all the result of a purposeful ritual and a prolonged gaze. Reflections of the artists’ hand and eye. Look closely and you’ll see me taking the photograph with one of David’s painted pots!
David made a couple of paintings inspired by one of Chris’s bowls.
Chris Keenan: Celadon Bowl with Slip Writing
David Stubbs: Green Bowl
David Stubbs: Green Bowl on Pink
Chris Keenan: Range
Chris Keenan: Tenmoku Tea Set
Chris Keenan: Globe Vases
David Stubbs: Blue & Grey on Pink
David Stubbs: Dark Turquoise & Cream
David Stubbs: Blue on Pink
Chris Keenan: Celadon & Tenmoku “Clouds”
Chris Keenan: Tenmoku Rocking Bowls with Rusty Circles
David Stubbs: White & Cream

That looks a lovely serene and calming window – lovely to see Chris K’s pots there!