I’m away now for a few days, meanwhile here’s Jolie Holland and an anonymous string band with three songs, caught in the woods at Happy Valley Pickathon in 2014. Continue reading “Jolie Holland”

Rowley Gallery Blog
I’m away now for a few days, meanwhile here’s Jolie Holland and an anonymous string band with three songs, caught in the woods at Happy Valley Pickathon in 2014. Continue reading “Jolie Holland”
A surprise package turned up in the post recently. This box was inside. It was a box of tricks. A silent music box awaiting the kiss of life. A limited edition Red Hornet ukulele kit from Jonny Hannah. Continue reading “Darlin Ukelele”
Amen, there’s a ring around the moon… there’s a light inside my chest that switched on when we first met and it will not let me rest… Amen. This is my favourite Jolie Holland song from Escondida.
The postman just brought me this little catalogue of British folk heroes compiled by Jonny Hannah. Jolie Holland shares the same initials so she can sing along – Mad Tom Of Bedlam. Continue reading “A Wee Book Of British Folklore”