Marianne Stokes

We just received this notice of a forthcoming event at The Idler Academy in Notting Hill –

Art historian Magdalen Evans gives a richly illustrated lecture on an Austrian born portrait painter who married an English landscape painter and their travels round Europe by boat, steam train and horse & cart with easels and paintboxes, reaching as far as Jutland & the Ukraine. Marianne Stokes belonged to a group of women artists who successfully navigated the European art world, and whose work is in many museums and galleries across the world, but often only ever in storage.

Magdalen Evans is a writer and exhibition organiser specialising in the work of women painters. She worked at Agnew’s and Waddington’s for fifteen years and runs a scholarship programme for prisoners and ex-offenders for the Longford Trust. She published her book Utmost Fidelity in 2009 to accompany a touring exhibition to five museums of the work of Adrian and Marianne Stokes.

More details here.

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