English Channel Paintings


English Channel Sunrise

My sister rented a house in St Margaret’s Bay, Kent at the end of last week* and invited me too. I’d never been before and it was a wonderful surprise. It’s between Deal and Dover and great for walking along the cliffs, and there’s a nice pebbly beach too in the bay.


Ferries & Cliffs

It’s the closest point to France in the UK and it’s where cross channel swimmers take the plunge.


Ferries To Dover & To Calais

There’s lots of chalk in the sea floor and it makes the colour of the sea very turquoise.
The light changes all the time too.


Ferry At Sunrise

Noel Coward had a house on the beach and Ian Fleming was his neighbour.


Ferry To Calais

I did lots of paintings of the sea in my sketchbooks and here is a selection.


La Manche Sunrise


Rain Clouds & Ferry


Russian War Fleet In Dover Straits

On Friday we saw the Russian fleet passing by en route, rather tragically, to Syria.
I could see the plume of black smoke from their ancient aircraft carrier for miles before it came close.
I’m hoping it will sink before it arrives.


Ships & Ferry, Early Morning


Ships & White Clouds


Ships On A Striped Sea

Christopher Corr / The Rowley Gallery

*This post arrived in mid-October. Apologies for the delay. This is not a news channel.

Frames of reference

One thought on “English Channel Paintings”

  1. At this point I wish it were a news channel. I would rather the news were from the two Christophers instead of elsewhere.
    Hank from Kansas

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