

It was my birthday on 9th January and I managed to drag my husband on a trip abroad. I could choose any destination as long as airports weren’t involved. It was lucky, as when we got to passport control at Kings Cross International (20 mins. drive away from home), it was politely pointed out to him that his passport was 4 months beyond it’s sell-by date, and they still let us through!


Our little ‘home from home’ in Brussels was once an artist’s abode, and the homely atmosphere is still being strongly adhered to.


The highlights of our very short stay in Brussels were the musical instruments museum in a beautiful Art Nouveau building called Old England, the architecture of the Grand Place, and mussels, chips and beer at Leon’s, and the Magritte museum!


We then stayed for two days in Bruges and were completely overwhelmed by the beauty of this World Heritage Site – the textures, landscape, art and people.



photo 1


photo 3

photo 4

At the end of the weekend I felt like I was let out into a fairy tale through an old cupboard door that was always there but I never realised it opened into such richness of beauty.

My interest in architectural textures inspired me to observe the buildings in Bruges. I also found the artworks’ depiction of the textures of fabrics really fascinating. In my artwork I express the texture in the three-dimensional origami. The architectural image breaks down into its detailed components and informs the overall composition. This is my Architexture.


Hedy Parry-Davies / The Rowley Gallery

PS: And another one, this is Architexture II, based on the new King’s Cross station roof.

image (2)

Frames of reference

2 thoughts on “Architexture”

  1. What a sumptuous visual treat Hedy, thank you. I noticed the attraction of Bruges in the black comedy film set there, but now I’ve seen your marvellous photographs and realise, joy of joy, you can get there by train I’ll be going asap. Susie X

  2. Just seen the PS picture, another gem Hedy. Also enjoyed your work in the real at Rowley on Wednesay. Your folding reminds me of childhood ‘fortune tellers’. Susie X

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