Citius, Altius, Fortius


Joseph Silcott has used a map of the Olympic Park, published by Ordnance Survey and the Institution of Civil Engineers, to create this piece entitled Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger). He has released a flock of butterflies from it to signify the arrival of the world’s athletes to this previously overlooked part of London. You can read Joseph’s account of making it here and you can see the finished artwork at The Rowley Gallery.

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Jelly Green At Kensington Place

Further to our previous announcement, Jelly’s exhibition at Kensington Place due to open on 7th August has now been rescheduled for September. Apologies for the delay. We’ll post more details once we know the dates. I’m sure it will be worth waiting for. In the meantime her paintings are still available at The Rowley Gallery.

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More Sporting Feats

Greg Becker has compiled all of his Sporting Feats drawings into a book. He describes them as observations on the history of Edwardian sporting endeavours, inspired by the Much Wenlock Olympian Games of 1850.

Greg’s book requires Adobe Flash Player. Apologies to iPad & iPhone users, but you can see it here.

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This is the view from John Lewis’s Olympic gift shop at Westfield Stratford. Here you can buy all kinds of sponsored trinkets and souvenirs for London 2012, but thankfully this view is so far logo free. Here are the Olympic Stadium, the Aquatic Centre, the Water Polo Arena and the Orbit, Anish Kapoor’s sculptural look-out tower. Continue reading “Orbit”

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Meghalaya’s Living Bridges

Meghalaya's Living Bridges – Incredible India by dm_50ac6337ca078

In North-East India, in The Land Of Clouds, people have found an ingenious natural solution to the challenge of crossing a torrential flood river. Conventional bridges would be swept away, so they have devised a kind of slow organic joinery.

I sometimes describe Rowley Gallery picture-frames as slow frames, but 500 years to build a bridge makes them seem instant!

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Vale Of Yew

We arrived at the village of Stoughton in a remote valley of the South Downs via a single track road from the north. It felt like we were coming to the back of beyond. We left the car by the Hare & Hounds and began the long slow climb along this farm track up to Stoughton Down. Continue reading “Vale Of Yew”

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