Imagine this song by Ivor Cutler as the musical accompaniment for a group of New York’s finest morris-dancers choreographed by the greatest living creative artist in any art form. Put it together with thirteen more of his songs (including the ever popular Beautiful Cosmos), with dancers dressed as children (Ivor Cutler always seemed a child dressed as an adult) in madcap square dances, shape-shifting and pattern-weaving around the playground, and you’ve got one of the four spectacularly life-enhancing performances by the Mark Morris Dance Group last night at Sadlers Wells. All that was needed for a perfect St Andrew’s day was a curtain call with Mr Morris dressed in a kilt.

Ivor Cutler was a magical man – I was taught dance/drama by him at primary school for four years.
Wow Wendy, what a privilege! I didn’t know he was a teacher. One of the dancers last night was dressed as Ivor Cutler. Now I see the performance as a primary school dance/drama lesson. There’s a five-star review of it here with a nice photo of ‘Ivor’ tapping out morse code in Little Black Buzzer.