A mixed up mishmash of pictures, but connected by a shared interest in grids of one kind or another. I cast about, wondering what to include, but there’s a surprising amount in the net. I’m stealing the limelight with one of mine from years ago, so you’ll need to step in close to see over the top of it. But it’s a moveable feast. We’ll change it around, take things out, put things in, so please keep checking for updates.
With thanks to Katie Holten for her New York Tree Alphabet.
From Orvieto
There are a couple of pictures by Paul Finn, an oil painting above and an ink drawing below, both of which liken a favourite Italian landscape to a beautiful quilt laid upon the earth.
Umbrian Landscape Near Gubbio
Rocket Sticks
This 3D drawing by Chris Kenny is made from the wooden sticks of fallen fireworks, found and collected on the day after Bonfire Night. It’s a kind of exploded grid.
Pink Map Circle
Another construction by Chris Kenny, this one is made up of found map fragments, woven together into a new holistic empire.
A Small Forest Of Tall Trees
Eight miniature paintings of giant trees by Christopher Corr, all framed together to form a forest. Or is it a plantation?
Mist (Godrevy From St Ives)
A folded tessellation of rooftops by Jonathan Christie.
As The Crow Sees It
The Fosse Way from a series of 48 hand-coloured linocuts, The Ways, celebrating four ancient paths through England by Liz Somerville.
At The End Of The Day
A glowing miniature landscape painting on handmade paper by Annabel Keatley, showing the pattern of the land in her beloved Andalusia.
Kim’s Game
A collection of charms and curios captured in one of Susie Freeman’s pocket-knitted nets.
A twelve-window picture frame.
Italian Balcony Symphony
A linocut by our eternal friend Jazmin Velasco, inspired by stories of quarantined people singing in solidarity from their balconies during Covid lockdown in Italy.
A mesh of thirty-five copper-leafed damselflies hand-cut by Joseph Silcott.
A drypoint etching by John Douglas Piper.
Goblet & Flask
An overlapping drawing on bark paper, with extra gold leaf.
A maritime constellation, one of fifteen screenprints that collectively form The Captain’s Pattern, a fabric design by Jonny Hannah for St Jude’s Prints.
Boggarts & Devil Dogs
A chequerboard screenprint by Jonny Hannah.
Winter Garden
Beyond The Studio
Two paintings by Jonathan Gibbs, both oil on wood panel, scratched and scraped, checked and balanced, singing songs of Scottish blues.
Sounding Board
I think I got the title from Brice Marden – “Ultimately I’m using the painting as a sounding board for the spirit”. The board itself is a patchwork of various leftover scraps of wood veneers. It was made long ago when I was making many more veneered frames than I do nowadays. It is inscribed with an irregular grid of black and white and red lines, shaved and rubbed down and serving as a ground for the two figures that echo each other – a blue and white inlay on the left and an interlocking line drawing on the right.
Update: Tuesday 8th February
A row of four Joseph Silcott pieces along the front of the window.
And another of my veneered pieces at the back.
Untitled 1
Blue Stripes
With an Aaron Kasmin watercolour on either side.
Pockets full of pills by Susie Freeman.
High Rise, Hangzhou
And two wood engravings by Jonathan Gibbs.
While Joseph Silcott’s butterflies keep a watchful eye on the street.
Update: Tuesday 15th February
I changed the window again today. And stood in the rain to photograph it. This time round there’s a row of blue Jonathan Gibbs paintings in the front.
And once again I squeezed in some of mine at the back.
Treehouse #3
Treehouse #1
A watercolour by Jenny Franklin. I think the title means Hiding Place. But alas it’s just for show, it’s not for sale.
A Folk Tale
A wood engraving by Jonathan Gibbs.
A mesh of haberdashery from Susie Freeman. There’s also an unframed version that can be worn as a scarf.
Two pieces by Joseph Silcott, “inspired by the women weavers of the Bauhaus weaving workshop”.
A drawing by Andrew Walton, a double-page spread from the book he made with David Attwooll.
We still have a few copies for sale in the gallery.
Landscape With Cross
A small painting on board by Anne Davies.
A wood engraving by Jonathan Gibbs.
Shadow & Form
Bridge & Pool
Field & Branch
Man & Woman
Four duets by Jonathan Gibbs.
Update: Tuesday 22nd February
Another mishmash in the window just as Batman goes by on the bus.
Prayer Mat
I’d been looking at Kuba textiles from Zaire and Mbuti bark cloths.
The veneer and the inlay are the Mat, the twigs are the Prayer.
There’s an Aaron Kasmin still life on either side.
Circle & Red Checks
There’s a trio of wood engravings by Jonathan Gibbs…
To The Jade Emperor’s Mountain
A gorgeous entanglement of trees and branches and a winding path.
And a couple more pocket-knitted nets from Susie Freeman.
Nine Drawings
A collection of twigs tied into knots by Chris Kenny.
St Rosalia
Flanked by a couple of his Twig Saints.
St Catherine de Ricci
And two more pieces by Joseph Silcott.
Suspended above them are three drawings by Emi Shinmura.
They’re on translucent Japanese paper, they float in the window and the light shines through. Delicate diagrams of ideas for solid objects. They’re not difficult to see, but they’re almost impossible to photograph.
Koshikake Ari Tsugi
Gooseneck Joint
Cogged Lap Joint
Come and see them for yourself.
Catch them before they disappear.

It’s a great idea to bring together work under a theme, and fantastic to see one of your beautiful pieces too. Thank you for choosing a couple of my pieces too.