So this one’s for Jonny, for his Rowley’s Record Bar, a toe-tapping thank you tune to get you down off the gallows and back on the straight and narrow – Shake a leg but don’t break it then break an egg but don’t shake it!

Rowley Gallery Blog
So this one’s for Jonny, for his Rowley’s Record Bar, a toe-tapping thank you tune to get you down off the gallows and back on the straight and narrow – Shake a leg but don’t break it then break an egg but don’t shake it!
That was astonishing. Thank you.
I think Aly had the right to look a little pleased with himself at the end of that!
He sat near me on a train from Edinburgh once -he had a ‘don’t even think about talking to me’ look on his face so I didn’t -would have liked to say how much I loved the Transatlantic Sessions-he’d got on at Haymarket so I assumed he’d been at a gruelling Scottish Arts council (creative Scotland maybe it was by then) meeting. Can’t help wondering about other people’s journeys on a train!
He’s a great fiddle player. I first knew him from The Boys of The Lough. Always keen to hear more.
I don’t know if The Transatlantic Sessions were shown UK wide or just on BBC Scotland but you can watch them on youtube or they’re available on dvd -many hours of joyful watching awaits anyone who didn’t watch at the time! So so good for lockdown -there were 6 series
Sadly I never saw Aly on a train but his fiddle playing stirred all kinds of memories – not ghoulish ones I’m glad to say but of Scottish parties long ago, when we all went wild…