This is the third book of poems by David Attwooll with pictures by Andrew Walton. The previous two books resulted from shared walks around Oxford. This last book circles around David’s final illness. He died in August 2016 from Erdheim Chester disease. One of it’s symptoms was a gradual loss of sight in one eye, and the poet’s increasing identification with Polyphemus, the giant cyclops from Homer’s Odyssey. There is a dark humour in these poems; David’s sense of fun is evident throughout. I met him only once, but I agree with his daughter, Kate Attwooll – He was… the most modest of men, instantly filling those who knew him with a welcoming sense of human possibility and kindness. So without further ado, here is the whole book, hand-scanned cover to cover by yours truly. Take it slow, and click on each image to get a better view.
It’s a beautiful book, worth much more than a blogpost.
If you would like a copy please get in touch and we’ll do our best to supply one.
Ground Work / Moon Arc / Otmoor

This is a lovely and inspiring collaborative work and I would like to get a hold of a copy if possible or the previous volumes.
Thanks Shaun, we should have copies of the books available at the Rowley Gallery around this time next week.