The Walls Of Toledo

Lottie said, ‘I don’t know why you’re wasting your time photographing autumn leaves, the story of Toledo is in its walls’. So, never one to ignore an idea for a blog post, and because there are few trees in Toledo, I began collecting images of the casco murallas.

Museo de los Concilios y de la Cultura Visigoda

Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Castilla-La Mancha

La Provisoria

Mezquita Cristo de la Luz

Museo de Santa Cruz

Back at Lottie’s apartment, this was the view from her loo. It backs on to the wall of the Church of Santa Tomé, so directly behind me as I sat here, on the other side of the wall, hangs El Greco’s masterpiece, The Burial of the Count of Orgaz.

Iglesia de Santa Tomé.

The Museo del Greco down the hill is also worth a visit.

Once I got started photographing walls it was hard to stop. These last three are from the following day in Madrid.

Frames of reference

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