The Great Race is a book by Christopher Corr, first published in 2018 by Frances Lincoln. It tells the story of the Chinese Zodiac – Long ago in very ancient China, there were no years or days or hours… To find a way of measuring time, the Jade Emperor held a Great Race. Which twelve animals were the first to cross the river and have a year named after them? – It seemed like a good idea to celebrate Chinese New Year with an exhibition of the paintings from the book, and to invite Christopher to draw the zodiac animals directly onto our window.
The artist at work.
Chinese Zodiac animals in the window at Rowley Gallery on Kensington Church Street
Dragon shadow and dragon painting in the window of Rowley Gallery
Happy Chinese New Year
Long ago, in very ancient China, there were no years, or days, or hours.
Emperor, Dragon, Cat & Rat
The Emperor
Title Page
End Papers
The Chinese Zodiac
Shaking Tiger
Pig & Mud
Happy New Year of the Pig!
The Great Race is Over / Emperor & Dragon
A Magnificent Dragon
Emperor & Tiger
Emperor & Ox
Ox & Rat
Dog & Lotus Flowers
Monkey, Rooster, Goat on Raft
Rat & River
Fishes & Dragonflies
The Great Race by Christopher Corr
We also have a few copies of The Great Race available for sale in the gallery.
And then yesterday, Saturday 2nd February, strange and wonderful creatures began to appear in the street outside our window, as if conjured by the magical attraction of our zodiac animals. There were dancing beer cans and walking strawberries and flocks of two-legged sheep, Gandalf wizards, All Blacks, penguins, giraffes and kiwis, and countless unidentifiable creatures. And pink polka-dot onesies. It was the annual Waitangi Day pub crawl around the Circle Line to Parliament Square, stopping off to share a kindred moment with fellow Chinese New Year folks at The Rowley Gallery.
Christopher Corr / The Rowley Gallery

Great to see brilliant window of animal magic yesterday and Year of the Pig paintings being wrapped for a happy customer. SX