Bathed In Sound is a song about trying to imagine myself as a whale floating in the ocean, immersed in a liquid medium full of sound, surrounded by plankton and the immense wild wetness of the ocean. Continue reading “Bathed In Sound”

Rowley Gallery Blog
Bathed In Sound is a song about trying to imagine myself as a whale floating in the ocean, immersed in a liquid medium full of sound, surrounded by plankton and the immense wild wetness of the ocean. Continue reading “Bathed In Sound”
A short immersive documentary that takes you into the woods at spring with artist Cosmo Sheldrake. Working with his own field recordings of the dawn and evening chorus, he talks us through his process of interpreting these sounds into music and playing them back to the places he recorded them. More here –
Dear Chris, I have just designed the new EP cover for Cosmo Sheldrake. I thought you might be interested in including it in Frames of Reference. Thank you. All the very best, Bea. Continue reading “Pelicans We”