We just received a call for entries for Jerwood Open Forest, an opportunity for artists to submit proposals that explore the potential of forests as sites for art. The closing date is 28 May. More details from Jerwood Open Forest.

Rowley Gallery Blog
We just received a call for entries for Jerwood Open Forest, an opportunity for artists to submit proposals that explore the potential of forests as sites for art. The closing date is 28 May. More details from Jerwood Open Forest.
Ideas? Proposals? Research and Development? I had thought this was something for a painter who plunged
into the ferns, overwhelmed by the flickering light, somehow coming home, at last, to childhood, fairy tales,
animal dens, birdsong, Samuel Palmer, Rübezahl, Altdorfer, Molloy, and preparing to draw and paint away
in total surrender to this secret world, emerging, like any serious painter, dissatisfied, but subsequently
astonished at the whole procedure. Painting is a lonely business, the outcome uncertain. I don’t see the place
for having ideas and proposals.
This would be good carved on a stone in the forest, overgrown with lichen and ivy.