David Wiseman At Kensington Place


Four new paintings by David Wiseman are now installed at Kensington Place restaurant. Scenes of water and movement, dancing colours and rippling lines, inspired by regular runs along the riverbank, the result of years of dedicated physical and artistic training.

Rushing River, Horner Valley, Autumn

My painting is inspired by particular landscape places…by local rivers and parklands…I try to convey the feeling of being part of the landscape. I have been a keen runner for many years and most of my running is done along the riverside and canal that inspires much of my painting.

Pitshanger Riverside, Spring

This allows me to be absorbed by the landscape as I pass through it rather than seeing it as a picture postcard cut out image. I also want to instill this feeling of constant change and movement in my paintings.

Pitshanger Riverside, Floating Lights

They are begun in a loose, freely drawn, calligraphic way using a series of marks, stains, and shapes made with a wide variety of brushes, roller, scraper, sponge, etc. The final image is slowly extracted in a playful, organic way using overlaid marks and glazes to express qualities of nature such as mood, light, colour, movement, atmosphere, space, etc.

After the Rain

I am attempting to find equivalents for the landscape in the physical qualities of paint, in order to express a feeling of flux in nature. I want the paintings to be intriguing, tantalising and ambiguous, held between the plastic qualities of the paint and all the celebratory, magical illusions and evocations of the depiction of nature.

Pitshanger Riverside, Drifting, Reflecting

Three more of David’s paintings are displayed in The Room, the private dining room at Kensington Place, and more still can be seen at The Rowley Gallery.

the room

Frames of reference

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