Above & Beyond

This striking mandala-like collection of foliage was a recent visitor to our workshop. As the winner of the Blake Prize (an Australian art prize in honour of William Blake) it had been on a world tour and its frame was in need of some TLC. It is Above & Beyond by Janine Mackintosh, made from Eucalyptus leaves, linen thread and bookbinder’s gum on canvas and it measures 120 x 120 centimetres. It reminded me of another circular piece that I often see on my way into work each day.

This is Fibonacci Flip by Peter Randall-Page, on the front of the London Clinic Cancer Centre in Marylebone. It is 4 metres in diameter and made from 500 terracotta tiles.

Both of these pieces seem imbued with the rhythm of life and appear to dance before our eyes.

Frames of reference

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