Oil Paintings by Isobel Johnstone

For February we’ve a window of richly coloured paintings by Isobel Johnstone. Unfortunately the gallery is still closed, but we’re back in the workshop again, and socially distanced purchases and collections can easily be arranged by phone. Come and see. It’s a feast for the eyes.

African Violets

Greengage, Cattistock

There was a different rhythm to life in Dorset during the first lockdown. I found space and time to paint. As a Scottish colourist I used to go abroad for sun. Last Spring and Summer in England it was Nature unfolding that absorbed me – trees into leaf, blossom, foxgloves, hollyhocks – no end of surprises. I was elated despite gloomy daily reports from the world outside.

Dorset Apple Blossom

Little Birds

Dorset Sedums

Hammersmith Bridge from Barnes, early evening

During the second lockdown I took my walks daily along the Thames. Hammersmith Bridge was now totally closed. I was drawn unexpectedly to this now redundant, venerable monument and to the river in its different moods and light. The calm, imperturbable force of the Thames has allured many artists, not least Turner, Whistler and Monet. Now seemed a good moment to contemplate reflections in water and to celebrate the Bridge, which had become an acute patient in the time of Covid 19.

Hammersmith Bridge, autumn evening

Hammersmith Bridge, sunset

Hammersmith Bridge, autumn leaves

Isobel Johnstone has been painting full time since her retirement from running the Arts Council Collection in 2004. She studied Fine Art in Edinburgh University and College of Art and taught at Glasgow School of Art before working for the Arts Council. She has always painted and more recently has also been making prints which can be seen at The Rowley Gallery. Biography, exhibition history, and more details of work can be seen in her own website – Isobel Johnstone – and also at The Rowley Gallery.

Frames of reference

3 thoughts on “Oil Paintings by Isobel Johnstone”

  1. Seductive, poetic and enchantingly colourful. Love the captivating Hammersmith Bridge scenes. Encore, encore!
    Congratulations, Isobel. Good luck and good health!
    Much love,
    Balraj and Francine

  2. In this winter of all winters these paintings bring us back to life, with all its richness and beauty – thank you dear Isobel

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