These images are from my initial 60 watercolours inspired by James Joyce’s Ulysses Notebooks (see my earlier Deluge post). Having had a chance to look at these notebooks at length, I have been turned back to Ulysses which has been an inspiration for over 40 years. I am about to read Ulysses for the 4th time and am more excited by it than ever!
Since 1993 I have written and illustrated (3 times) an 18 poem cycle based on the book and titled Nulysses, the latest version of which can be viewed on the Nulysses page on my website. I am planning around 100 watercolours and am also working with oil on canvas and larger paper pieces. Enough to be going on with for the long winter evenings!
The title is The Traditional Accent Of The Ecstasy Of Catastrophe. Click on the link to scroll through the sequence – Philip Maltman 60 Watercolours
Philip Maltman / The Rowley Gallery